Valiant Thor - Missione Ghemuiana sulla Terra del 1956/60

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    Post: 424
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    Registrato il: 05/10/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    Utente Junior
    10 09/02/2007 00:18
    Come ho detto commentando il post di vilandra sulle razze aliene molto spesso sia Ghemuiani che Kaidoniani sono venuti sulla terra denunciandosi come Venusiani.

    Uno dei casi più noti, ma non così noti, è quello di Valiant Thor avvenuto negli anni 50 negli USA. V.Thor era un comandante Ghemuiano inviato in missione sulla terra dal tempo attuale per preparare gli anni nei quali i 12 sarebbero vissuti.
    Dissero di essere Venusiani e non denunciarono la loro reale provenienza, si preferì dichiarare ciò per evitare domande circa il viaggio spaziale da GHE.MU alla Terra che avrebbe sollevato troppi interessi da parte dei militari/scienziati USA e dello stesso presidente circa le tecnologie usate per tale viaggio e circa le distanze interstellari.

    La provenienza da Venere metteva al sicuro da tali domande in quanto pianeta del sistema solare e pertanto raggiungibile anche con mezzi già conosciuti all'epoca e senza stravolgere le conoscenze della fisica terrestre.

    Insomma c'era la necessità di non fornire pretesti per spiegazioni che non si volevano dare.

    Valiant Thor era il comandante della missione,Jill secondo ufficiale, Donn, Thon e Teel ufficiali,Doc l'ufficiale medico (ovviamente questi nomi furono utilizzati per i rapporti con i terrestri per rendere l'approccio più.....normale). Furono gli unici dell'equipaggio ghemuiano atterrato in Virginia ad avere rapporti diretti con i terretsri durante tutto il periodo che rimasero sulla terra.

    L'atterraggio è tuttora documentato negli archivi segreti del Pentagono e dell'NSA

    Cito dalla testimonianza di Harley Andrew Byrd nipote dell'Ammiraglio Richard Evelyn Byrd comandante della missione High Jump della US Navy iniziata nel 1946 e conclusasi, come avete già visto nel Factbook, nel 1947 (Factbook sez Cospirazione Aliena - Base 211 in Neu Schwabenland – Antartide 1947 Report N.5)

    Purtroppo il testo è in Inglese ma è facilmente comprensibile, comunque se qualcuno non capisce chieda pure.

    April, 1957

    During the winter of 1956-57, the Washington, D.C. area was extremely cold, but it was a good feeling to be working in a high security position in the Pentagon. I lived only a short distance away in Georgetown, the old section of the Nation's Capital. Senator J.F. Kennedy lived on "O" Street just a block away from our house on Prospect.

    During a successful tour with the U.S. Naval Ceremonial Honor Guard, we had met with astronauts Glen, Cooper, Waly Sherrar, who were the first wave of successful space travelers. Also we had visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier numerous times. It seemed like every time a visiting dignitary came to Washington, they lay a wreath at the tomb.

    We had met the Queen of England several times at the airport, as these were some of the duties I performed as a young officer in the Navy. After carrying the 2-Star flag at the funeral of my late uncle, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, I was recommended for a security clearance and was granted a Top Secret Clearance after a lengthy six-month background study (B1 complete 1957). After being transferred to the Chief of Naval Information (CHINFO), I worked in the Security Clearance section before being indoctrinated into the branch office of the Air Force called PROJECT BLUE BOOK. It was a joint service office; that is, two Marines, two Army, two Navy and three Air Force officers.

    The work was routine, opening incoming mail, sorting out what was called actual sightings as opposed to many fake UFO photos. We also acted as a Public Information Office (PIO), much like a public relations office. Everypublisher's dream was to get the real low down on the UFO situation, which was suppressed by the group that dictated national policy on the UFO matter.

    In mid March, 1957, we received an urgent message from the Alexandria Police Department. The message indicated that two of their on-duty police officers had picked up an alien who had landed some 14 miles south of Pentagon Boulevard, and the occupant was transported to the Pentagon to meet with the Under Secretary of Defense and then shuttled underground to meet with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon. The meeting lasted for nearly an hour and then, the alien visitor was put on VIP status and was shuttled back to the Pentagon where he spent the night in the Army reception office on the first floor near the concourse. This alien's name was Valiant Thor.

    Commander James was on duty at the Security Clearance and Review for the branch officer of the Project Blue Book. He oversaw the meeting through official channels and reported the landing and meeting of the "space emissary", as he was labeled by the Department of Defense, to a governing group of high military officials including Secretary of Defense F.F. Forestall and other scientific men of which there were twelve. They in turn made recommendations to the President and Cabinet members, the CIA, FBI, NSA, and so on.

    The landing of Valiant Thor was perhaps the first documented landing of a human-type alien by military officials. He contacted an individual in the Pentagon who was an advocate of the UFO alien situation. "Nancy Warren" in turn contacted a minister, who was also a private investigator and theologian, a Dr. Frank E. Stranges, who then met with this individual. Dr. Stranges had been a guest speaker at the National Evangelistic Center for two weeks.

    Val Thor landed in Alexandria and met with the President to discuss the world's problems and offer advice and counsel on how to deal with and eliminate them. He indicated to Mr. Eisenhower that the world was in a precarious situation and that if the world continued to proceed on a war footing - it would cause an economic imbalance throughout the world. Val Thor stayed on Earth until March 16, 1960, and then disembarked to his home planet Venus.

    He indicated that his race of people lived and dwelled underground and that many of the planets throughout the universe sustain life in this same manner. He also mentioned the waves of aliens who would land around the world to help with the Earth's seemingly insurmountable problems. He stated that a group from a distant planetary system would be coming to give aid and data to help the Earth's progress. Val Thor spoke of Christ's presence in the universe and that it was heartwarming to see Christ's advanced teaching continuing. This visitation at the Pentagon marks perhaps a new era in knowledge, wisdom and understanding on our planet.

    Per chi volesse leggere altre notizie viste dalla parte terrestre:

    Le Immagini:

    DA DX VERSO SN: Valiant, Donn e Jill


    xxxxxx loro 3 insieme xxxxxxx in una località di mare in Italia, xxxxxx xxxxxxx ma xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx l'episodio....


    [Modificato da ARBEL 09/02/2007 0.26]

    [Modificato da ARBEL 26/06/2018 01:33]
    Post: 103
    Post: 102
    Registrato il: 10/11/2006
    Sesso: Maschile
    Utente Junior
    00 11/02/2007 15:57

    Scritto da: ARBEL 09/02/2007 0.18
    Chi ha visto la mia foto, mi rivolgo ai vecchissimi di FDS, possono avere la prova di come Donn assomigli anche a me.

    [Modificato da ARBEL 09/02/2007 0.26]

    Non eclatante ma vero.